What are the symptoms of dry eye disease?
Dry eye disease causes several uncomfortable symptoms. You likely have dry eyes if you have:
- Itchy eyes
- Burning eyes
- Light sensitivity
- Watery eyes
- Eye redness
- Mucus strands in or around your eyes
- Eye fatigue, especially with digital devices
- Intermittent blurred vision
- Difficulty with night vision
If you have any of these symptoms and can’t find relief, the team at VIP Laser Eye Center will provide you with the most comprehensive evaluation for dry eyes around. They evaluate your symptoms, your personal situation, and create an individualized treatment plan to restore your comfort.
What are my treatment options for dry eye disease?
In addition to over-the-counter and prescription eye drops, VIP Laser Eye Center offers all of the latest available treatments for dry eye disease. One highly effective treatment for dry eye disease is called LipiFlow®. LipiFlow is a device that removes blockages from your tear glands to improve their functioning and keep your eyes lubricated. During the straightforward, non-surgical treatment, the patented LipiFlow device delivers therapeutic energy to your glands to open them up while protecting the rest of your eye.
VIP Laser Eye Center’s LipiFlow treatments are superior to others because the team supplements them with BlephEx™ as well as gland expression. BlephEx is a handheld, motorized device that removes debris and exfoliates your eyelids and eye lashes Specifically,for people suffering from blepharitis and eyelid inflammation. Meibomian gland expression is a type of massage that helps further unclog your oil glands to promote a healthier balance to your tears.
To find out more about dry eye disease and available treatments, call VIP Laser Eye Center today. We will construct an individualized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle.